Healthy Bay • Healthy Community
The Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan and its partners are, successfully, under-taking actions to rehabilitate the Bay of Quinte.

The program is designed to collect information about the presence and abundance of bird and amphibian species in Great Lakes coastal and inland marshes, to contribute to the understanding of these species and their habitat needs. Marsh Monitoring Program volunteers have a unique and rewarding opportunity to support the study and conservation of some of North America’s most important and threatened ecosystems.
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Where are we at?
Healthy Bay • Healthy Community
The Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan and its partners are, successfully, under-taking actions to rehabilitate the Bay of Quinte.
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Phosphorus Management Plan
Why does the bay need a phosphorus management plan?
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Phosphorus Management Plan
Why does the bay need a phosphorus management plan?