If you have any questions, or need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can be reached at:
Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan
c/o Lower Trent Conservation
- 714 Murray Street, R.R. 1 Trenton, Ontario, K8V 0N1
- 613-394-3915
- 613-394-5226
Anne Anderson
Manager, Community Outreach & Special Projects
- 613-394-3915 ext 219
- 613-394-5226
- anne.anderson@ltc.on.ca
Shan Mugalingam
Technical Projects Coordinator
- 613-394-3915 ext 213
- 613-394-5226
- shan.mugalingam@ltc.on.ca
Sarah Midlane-Jones
- 613-394-3915 ext 214
- 613-394-5226
- smidlanejones@bqrap.ca
Jason Jobin
BQRAP Environmental Technician
- 613-394-3915 ext 225
- 613-394-5226
- jason.jobin@ltc.on.ca
Robert Ormston
BQRAP Environmental Technician
- 613-968-3434 ext 167
- 613-394-5226
- rormston@quinteconservation.ca