- Environmental Challenges
- Where We Are At
- Restrictions On Fish And Wildlife Consumption
- Degradation Of Fish And Wildlife Populations
- Fish Tumours And Other Deformities
- Degradation Of Benthos
- Restrictions On Dredging Activities
- Eutrophication And Undesirable Algae
- Restrictions On Drinking Water Or Taste And Odour Problems
- Beach Closures
- Degradation Of Aesthetics
- Degradation Of Phytoplankton And Zooplankton Populations
- Loss Of Fish And Wildlife Habitat
BUI #10 - Beach Closures
Status – Restored – May 3, 2019
Four beaches are monitored, Centennial Park at Deseronto, Kingsford Mills on the Salmon River, Frankford Park on the Trent River and Centennial Park at Northport. Currently, these beaches are meeting the Health Unit targets, that beach postings should not exceed 20% of the annual swimming season.
A detailed scientific study established that current sources of E.coli bacteria are from non-human sources.
Heavy rainfall, causing excess stormwater runoff from both urban and rural sources, is the primary trigger of elevated E-coli levels at area beaches. Stormwater runoff washes numerous contaminants like bird and pet waste and lawn and agricultural fertilizers in to local waterways.
Criteria and Supporting Evidence
1. At Frankford, Kingsford Mill, Centennial Park (Deseronto) and Centennial (Northport) beach postings days should not exceed 20% of the annual swimming season (Victoria Day to Labour Day) due to exceedances of the Provincial Water Quality Objective for E. coli (100 E. coli per 100 ml of water). Not Impaired
2. At Frankford, Kingsford Mill, Centennial Park (Deseronto) and Centennial (Northport) beaches the main sources of fecal contamination have been identified and no significant source of human fecal contaminates is contributing to any identified fecal contamination at the specified beaches. Not Impaired