- Environmental Challenges
- Where We Are At
- Restrictions On Fish And Wildlife Consumption
- Degradation Of Fish And Wildlife Populations
- Fish Tumours And Other Deformities
- Degradation Of Benthos
- Restrictions On Dredging Activities
- Eutrophication And Undesirable Algae
- Restrictions On Drinking Water Or Taste And Odour Problems
- Beach Closures
- Degradation Of Aesthetics
- Degradation Of Phytoplankton And Zooplankton Populations
- Loss Of Fish And Wildlife Habitat
BUI #7 - Restrictions on dredging activities
Status – Restored – April 21, 2017
In 1992, when the RAP was being developed, the open water disposal of dredged materials was allowed, primarily due to economic reasons.
Open water disposal was the most cost effective means of disposing of dredged material and most dredging took place in commercial habours where capital or maintenance dredging was required to maintain navigational depths.
This issue was based on economic not environmental considerations. Today, there are federal and provincial guidelines and regulations in place that cover the disposal of dredged material; and it is recognized that open water disposal is not an environmental benign activity, it has a detrimental effect on aquatic habitats. In the Bay of Quinte dredging is an infrequent activity, and when conducted is on a small scale, typically for recreational properties.
Where dredging is undertaken, the responsible agencies require upland disposal of the material, and open water disposal is not practiced. Large scale navigational or maintenance dredging is not undertaken. Therefore, the “restrictions on dredging” BUI is not directly applicable to the Bay of Quinte.
A staff report recommended changing the status of BUI#7 Restrictions on dredging activities to Not Impaired and the Restoration Council agreed.