It's all about the science

Every field season (May to October) BQRAP partners are out on the water monitoring to ensure the Bay is meeting the goals in its Remedial Action Plan.

The Bay of Quinte Long-term Nutrient Monitoring Program

The BQRAP Bay of Quinte Long-term Monitoring Program, which is a modification of a pre-existing program called Algae Watch. The program, implemented by Quinte Conservation, is designed to monitor water quality every two weeks from May to October at nine sampling sites around the Bay, from the Murray Canal to Picton Habour.

A suite of water quality indicators are monitored through the program including: algae species and their concentrations, dissolved oxygen, Ph, depth, temperature, turbidity, and nutrients. The data is collected
using a multi-parameter sonde, which is a digital sampling system with calibrated sensors that measure different water quality indicators, providing real time numbers in the field. As well, water samples are taken and sent for additional laboratory analysis to cross check the real time numbers for any anomalies.
A Secchi disk (a circular disk with black & white quadrants) is used to measure water clarity, the further down the water column you can see the disk the greater the water clarity.

Collecting this data throughout the summer provides information on how conditions are changing throughout the season. The data, combined with previous year’s data, will be used to support the assessment of the environmental challenges as the Bay moves closer to being removed from the Areas of Concern list.

Video: Bay of Quinte long Term monitoring.