Healthy Soils Check up Program
One of the environmental challenges with the Bay of Quinte’s water quality is phosphorous from rural and urban sources. There are opportunities on the farm to improve water quality and save money! The Healthy Soils Check Up Program can provide farmers with:
1. Agronomic soil testing with analysis being done by an OMAFRA accredited soil lab at no cost.
2. Detailed field maps showing contours (slopes) and areas within the field that are more prone to erosion.
A follow-up workshop for farmers will provide site-specific recommendations for their fields by developing crop nutrient recommendations based on the soil test results, and identifying erosion control options that best suit their farming system and site features.
This program will help you keep nutrients and soil where you want them – in your fields, so you can grow the best crops and help us protect the Bay.
Knowing your baseline nutrient levels and then setting target levels will help save money on fertilizer and reduce phosphorus runoff. As well, implementing the 4 R’s (right source/product, right rate, right time, and right place) of fertilizer application will minimize nutrient transport from fields and maximize crop uptake and utilization.
The field maps will identify key erosion sites to help you adopt Best Management Practices (BMPs) to keep soil on your fields and out of local waterways.
To participate in the Healthy Soils Check Up, contact:
Sarah Midlane-Jones, Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan, 613-394-3915 ext 214, Email Sarah Today!
Trends in Agriculture in the Quinte Region
Steve Duff, OMAFRA, Chief Economist will discuss – Trends in agricultural commodities in Bay of Quinte area – crops, livestock, etc. Dr. Tom Bruulsema, International Plant Nutrition Institute of Canada, Chief Scientist will present on – Trends in fertilizers use in Ontario and water quality, understanding 4R Nutrient Stewardship. The Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan will present on it Rural Stewardship Program. View the Webinar.
Soil – Making it work. Patrick Lynch will discuss Forages, Rotations and Tillage. Where does the soil go? Jeff Meyer explains about the newest techniques in mapping and measuring soil loss. Also, learn about BQRAP grants and programs. View the webinar.
Cover Crop Lunch and Learn
This Lunch and Learn will be a panel discussion with area farmers talking about what worked and what didn’t work on their farms and why they decided to use cover crops. Some of the participants have been using cover crops for a number of years and others are new to planting a cover crop in their rotations. View Webinar