Where We Are At

In the Bay of Quinte there were 4 environmental issues identified – excess nutrients, bacterial contamination, toxins, and loss of fish and wildlife habitat. These…

Beneficial Use Impairment #1

Restrictions On Fish And Wildlife Consumption. Although fish and wildlife consumption is currently impaired. Fish in the Bay of Quinte are safe to eat. When…

Beneficial Use Impairment #3

Degradation Of Fish And Wildlife Populations. In the 1990’s, there was a lack of variety and depletion of overall fish stocks in the Bay. One…

Beneficial Use Impairment #4

Fish Tumours And Other Deformities. The Bay of Quinte RAP has enough scientific evidence to change the status of BUI #4 – Fish tumours and…

Beneficial Use Impairment #6

Degradation Of Benthos. Benthic Macroinvertebrates or benthos are small creatures that live in the sediment on the bottom of lakes, rivers and streams. They include…

Beneficial Use Impairment #7

Restrictions On Dredging Activities. In 1992, when the RAP was being developed, the open water disposal of dredged materials was allowed, primarily due to economic…

Beneficial Use Impairment #8

Eutrophication And Undesirable Algae. One of the main environmental issues with the Bay has always been the amount of nutrients entering it, particularly phosphorus. Phosphorus…

Beneficial Use Impairment #9

Restrictions On Drinking Water Or Taste And Odour Problems. Drinking water in the Bay of Quinte is meeting all the Ontario drinking water quality standards…

Beneficial Use Impairment #10

Beach Closures. Four beaches are monitored, Centennial Park at Deseronto, Kingsford Mills on the Salmon River, Frankford Park on the Trent River and Centennial Park…

Beneficial Use Impairment #11

Degradation Of Aesthetics. In the Stage 1 report, that outlined the environmental problems facing the Bay of Quinte, this BUI was indentified as impaired due…

Beneficial Use Impairment #13

Degradation Of Phytoplankton And Zooplankton Populations. Phytoplankton and zooplankton are the microscopic plants and animals that are at the base of the food web.

Beneficial Use Impairment #14

Loss Of Fish And Wildlife Habitat. Around the Bay of Quinte shorelines, wetlands and underwater vegetation that provide fish and wildlife habitat, have been destroyed…